
My project to slough off all the excess stuff in my life continues.

My music collection has been digital for years, save for a few collectibles and albums by friends. I’ve gotten my DVD collection down to about 17 boxes. Out of print films that you can’t get on Netflix. So I’m no longer buying movies of the common variety.

I don’t have very many video games either. When I finish a game or get bored with it, I sell it. I just signed up for GameFly, so I will never buy another video game unless it falls into the small, evergreen category where Rock Band resides.

Movies and games are both heading into an all-digital delivery system. There are many reasons for this, but a big one for the publishers is that the secondhand market will die. You can’t resell your digital copy of The Dark Knight to someone on Amazon. GameStop will eventually become a store for classic used games from the 2000s. One day it will seem ridiculous that digital information was bonded to physical platters and cartridges.

I’ve thinned down my book collection to two small book shelves. As I finish books, I’ll sell them to Half Price Books or give them away. Again, I’m only going to be purchasing hard to find items or books which make practical sense to own. I converted a majority of my Amazon book wish list over to a reading list for my brand new account at the Austin Public Library system. Holy shit, is this a slick operation! The online catalog system is robust. I can have books held and delivered to my local branch. I only stumped the system once or twice whilst searching for graphic novels. Their collection of every series I care about is comprehensive. They even had a copy of the out of print Encyclopedia of Fantastic Victoriana, which is basically steampunk porn. All for free. Why didn’t I do this sooner? Also, if there is a Kindle version of a book available, I’ll buy that over the dead tree version. The Kindle iPhone app is actually pretty great and I’ve been enjoying 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea on it.

The board game collection remains pretty large. I’ll probably thin it down over the course of a few years, getting rid of the so-so games, keeping only the ones I truly love.

I’ve also been untethering my online life. I’ve moved more and more documents up into the cloud so I can access them from anywhere. I stopped using desktop clients for mail, scheduling, spreadsheets, and twittering. It’s all web-based now. I can do all of my communication from anywhere. It feels good to shut my computer down when I’m done working instead of having to check in on it for new messages.

My iPhone is proving more and more invaluable. Today I set up a wireless storage app so I can keep my writing and important documents backed up on a password protected micro web server. It’s like having a magic extradimensional 16GB pocket I can reach into at any time.

When I can afford it, I’ll probably replace my computer with a laptop. I like the idea of being able to grab a backpack and take off, bringing my entire world with me.

I feel lighter.

3 Comments on "Untethered"

  1. Marc says:

    I highly recommend the laptop route. It’s not really that much more expensive, and unless you’re doing crazy games or video production on your pc, you’ll be fine. I haven’t really had a desktop as a main machine in the last half dozen years, and it’s been awesome.

    Also, clouding all your mail and data and whatnot is a great move. Of course, if Google ever bites it, we’re screwed, but yeah.

    Which iPhone app are you using for the wireless storage thing? I’ve played with Air Sharing a bit, but found it kind of clunky.

    • Drey says:

      I am concerned about multi-monitor support on a laptop. Right now I have three displays. I supposed I could get used to the laptop’s display and one really wide display.

      I do use the computer for video editing and graphic design, but I think laptops can handle it.

      I’m using the AirShare app and it works for my purposes. I can map it as a drive on my desktop and move documents to it.

  2. Jeff says:

    I also had a recent re-discovery of the library that was very similar to the one you described. I was also impressed with the range of stuff available. The only annoyance I’ve really found is if there’s a movie coming out based on a book and I try to reserve it. There’s usually a huge wait.

    I’m still having a difficult time switching to e-books. I do read the occasional text book from Gutenburg Project, but most of my reading is with a physical book. I enjoy the smell and texture of the pages, and I like how they don’t need batteries/power.

    I’m glad you are feeling lighter. Last year, I threw out a bunch of stuff I’ve been holding for years, and it did make me feel better.

    I like the new look of the site!

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